Something Rotten in Kislev

28th Erntezeit, IC 2513

The adventurers are summoned to appear at a private meeting with the Graf of Middenheim.

“It is just over a year since you foiled an evil plot to take my life and threaten the stability of the Empire. Since then, my friends, you have continued to serve me well and confirm the trust I have put in you.
I look upon each of you as my sons, even (as he glances at Alitl) overlooking the foibles that sons are apt to have. That is why I have called you here. For another of my sons is in danger. Heinrich, whom I know you love, has gone missing in a foreign land …”

The Graf goes on to explain that Wasmeier’s notes on the Cult of the Purple Hand provided a lot of information: names of members, a codebook, past activities, biographies and notes on all major citizens of Middenheim and copies of letters to Kastor Lieberung. Some entries referred to the ‘Great Enchanter’ and several locations in Kislev, including the town of Chernozavtra. Heinrich volunteered to follow up on this information in a bid to destroy the evil web of the Purple Hand once and for all.

The political situation with Kislev is not good. Chaos grows stronger on its northern borders, and the Empire will not send aid.

“Kislev has always relied on the Empire to fight its battles. If it were not for Magnus the Pious the entire country would have been overwhelmed by Chaos in 2303. In fact, some claim that beastmen attacks on villages on the border are actually staged by Tsarist forces, in a bid to scare the Empire into sending troops to Kislev.”

Several days ago the Graf received a communiqué from Heinrich, and has grave fears for his son’s safety. Heinrich’s prescence in Kislev is risky, for the Tsar has forbidden unauthorised Imperial traffic in his lands.

29th Erntezeit

The adventurers’ journey begins at dawn within the palace grounds. They are supplied with one riding mount each, including saddle, bridle and saddlebags, plus documentation to exempt them from tolls until the border.

28th Erntezeit – Mittherbst Autumn Equinox

Travel from Middenheim to Talabheim (250 miles).

On the way the adventurers are ambushed by a band of outlaws led by one Anton the Lout. Fitzue fires fireballs into a tree blocking the road while the others rush into the forest and kill the bandits. When only Anton is left, duCourt cuts off his hand as a punishment.

The adventurers are caught in a rainstorm and take shelter in an inn at the bottom of a valley.

While travelling they encounter Theophilus Habermas, a Witch Hunter who has just burnt a woman at the stake. While talking with him, a daemonette coalesces from the ashes, which duCourt kills.

In Talabheim the adventurers sell their horses for 1040GC, get lodging at a riverside inn and meet Bernhardt Dampfer, captain of the Maria Borger, the boat engaged to take them up river.

1st – 16th Brauzeit

River journey towards Kislev.

On the way the adventurers are stopped at a dock by an Ostlander river patrol led by a belligerent fellow called Andreas Blumentopf. An argument begins which is eventually diffused by Lavarar. Blumentopf accuses them of being ‘wolf worshippers’ when he finds out they are from Middenheim—they had recently just found a Sigmarite priest who had been lynched and religious bigotry is rife in the land.

While the boat is tied up to the bank, Lavarar hears whispering and moving noises while relieving himself over the side at night. He discovers a bomb has been set in a locked storeroom next to the adventurers’ cabin. While Lavarar tries to pick the lock he is attacked by ‘Dampfler’—actually a chaos cultist who has killed the original crew—transformed into a razor-clawed beast. The others awake and the mutant and other crew members fought and killed, though Lavarar is badly wounded and the bomb goes off, destroying the boat.

17th – 19th Brauzeit

The road near the river leads to The Bear & Sickle, a smoky travelling inn where the adventurers encounter their first Kislevites. They meet Eveshka Pyotrovich, who takes them to Voltsara, which is being ravaged by a beastman band.

20th Brauzeit (29th August 1993)

After an encounter with a Kislevite Elemental spirit being in the shape of a bear, the adventurers learn the location of the lair of the beastmen and set off to rescue the villagers with Eveshka.

The adventurers explore the top part of the cavern complex where the beastmen lair, and ponder over a magical ward, but cannot pass through. Two beastmen on wandering guard duty are surprised and killed.
The adventurers are surprised by beastmen who emerge from a corridor which has been disguised by an illusion. Eveshka is attacked. Lavarar tries to throw her down a chimney opening; she jumps and he follows. The others run back to the complex entrance, chased by beastmen.

Eveshka and Lavarar land on a small fire, surprising two beastmen. Lavarar kicks embers in one their faces, then they kill both. They rush down a passageway which comes to a dead end. Beastmen are everywhere. Lavarar kisses Eveshka and they sit tight.

Flagelant and duCourt charge into a room, surprising and killing five beastmen. Fitzue turns and blasts a fireball into the pursuing beastmen, killing two.

Eveshka tells Lavarar she plans to summon the Vodyanoy, a dangerous spirit being. Emerging from the passage Lavarar fires a crossbow at a beastmen in their way but misses, but Eveshka steps forward and sleeps it. In the large cavern with a stream running through it where the villagers are being held she rushes to the water’s edge, tells the villages to be quiet, and begins her spell by pouring honey on the water.

Fitzue fires a fireball into the bridge crossing the stream destroying it, and another at the beastmen.
Flagelant and duCourt charge into the room, attacking and killing seven beastmen. From the next cavern they hear Granax, the Chaos Warrior leader. summoning a demon called Gnawvenom, followed by his cavernous shout “Enter, if you dare!”

Flagelant goes up to the cavern entrance and surveys the scene—20-odd beastmen, Granax and Gnawvenom. duCourt strolls into the cavern and trades abuse with Granax until Granax orders the beastmen to attack.

In the water cavern, a mist enters from outside, the water begins to swirl, and strange aquatic voices whisper in the mist. Eveshka and Lavarar begin leading the villagers out of the cavern.

duCourt fights beastmen, and eventually Gnawvenom. Flagelant joins the battle. Fitzue cast fireballs. Suddenly pseudopods made of water erupt from the river pool, attacking and killing several beastmen. duCourt kills Gnawvenom and faces Granax. The water disruption reaches a climax; a huge waterspout with a rudimentary face and arms rises from the water and casts lightning bolts across the cavern at the beastmen. Granax is killed; the water elemental collapses and the remaining beastmen surrender.

Vodyanoy appears in the pool as a large frog-like creature, floating on his back, and casually demands his ‘bride’—Eveshka, who then reveals she promised herself in return for his help. Eveshka walks in a trance to the water, but her eyes plead with Lavarar and duCourt; looking at the ground and back at them. duCourt catches on and throws dirt in Vodyanoy’s eyes, then Lavarar steps up with the Crystal of Fire, an artifact recovered earlier, and wards him off. Vodyanoy swears vengeance. The adventurers give him the beastmen as a sacrifice and they are sucked into the water by pseudopods.

Outside, the villagers thank the adventurers, and duCourt sends two of the Knights Panther back to Middenheim with his notes. One stays with them.

Back at the village of Voltsara, the adventurers gather the villagers around and return to them their gold and possessions, and warn them not to speak of the adventurers’ presence to anyone. Eveshka elects to guide them on forest trails through the Dobryion to the River Murskov. After gathering provisions, tents and warm furs and skins, the five set off at a trot.

21st – 30th Brauzeit

Travelling. In a forest dell the group is attacked by five giant trapdoor spiders; two are killed, and two forced into a fight to the death with each other by some magic of Eveshka’s.

Later, in a dank, mossy area of forest, the group is attacked by a colony of lashworms. They run through, taking some damage, especially Flagelant, who trips and lags behind. Immediately afterwards three beastmen of Khorne burst out of the forest and attack them, but they are swiftly dispatched.

That night, Eveshka excuses herself from the fire, and followed by Lavarar, goes into the trees and talks with Babi, her spirit familiar, to discover there is a Forest Guardian nearby. She returns to the adventurers and is informing them, when the Treeman appears. After half an hour he speaks. In long drawn out words he laments the prescence of beastmen and orcs abd the pain and suffering of the forest.

The group arrive at the top of a hill overlooking the bridge on the River Murskov. On an opposite hill on this side of the river is a ruined tower. Going down to the road, Eveshka discovers a hastily assembled arrow of stones pointing to the tower. The adventurers investigate…

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