OCD Porn


CoinsFor some reason, my girl and I share the same affliction: we tend not to carry our loose change around much. We had two very full coin bowls in the house, and another bagful she’d been lugging from house to house for a few years. So we decided to finally count all these coins and take them down to the bank. And as we started counting, I started laying them out in neat rows on our tiled floor … OK, so I have a mild case of obsessive compulsive disorder. Anyway, it looked good. And it made them easy to count.
How much you ask? $1,128. In coins. Onto the mortgage.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. anaglyph
    Nov 12, 2007 @ 07:11:08

    A thousand bucks in loose change???
    And you claim you are a struggling graphic designer!

  2. Universal Head
    Nov 12, 2007 @ 08:17:05

    Nup, I’ve pretty much always claimed I was highly successful, talented and good-lookin’.

  3. jedimacfan
    Nov 12, 2007 @ 14:00:57

    And good at tennis, too.

  4. anaglyph
    Nov 12, 2007 @ 17:56:48

    Oh please jmf. Do you have to keep reminding me.
    The Horror.

  5. Oliver
    Dec 18, 2007 @ 07:57:22

    That is one large, organized pile of money (games) you’ve got there. Smart of you to put it on the mortgage(buy games) like that.
    Seriously, if I found $1100+ lying around my house, my mortgage would certainly not be my first thought. Then again, it might be my wife’s… damn it.

  6. Universal Head
    Dec 18, 2007 @ 08:07:09

    Heh! Yessss, well, if it had been all my money …

  7. midnightfaerie
    Feb 06, 2008 @ 03:47:00

    man, just think of all the games you could have bought…

  8. Universal Head
    Feb 06, 2008 @ 07:20:55

    Oh, I did.