Chichen Itza: Pyramid of the Sun

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During the research trip to Chichen Itza for the computer game The Omega Stone, I was lucky enough to witness the twice-a-year appearance of the snake down the main staircase of the Pyramid. The site was crowded with hundreds of people who had come to see the event; locals, New-Agers and backpackers, conch-blowers, the serious and the playful, the scientific and the spiritual.

The Telltales new CD released


After a year of hard work, my band The Telltales has just released its new CD, Haymaking. Let me assure you the term ‘difficult second album’ is not just a rock and roll cliché. But the beast is finally loose, and we’re all very proud of the results. And as the humble drummer, I can personally say I’m proud, after 20-plus years of playing music, to be in a band that has released a second album.

We have a website at where you can find out all about the band, download some songs, and most importantly, link to where you can buy the CD online. Or even better, just walk into your local music store (if you live in Australia that is) and order a copy. Every sale guaranteed to advance the cause of independent Australian music!

Film review: The Incredibles


The Incredibles

I saw The Incredibles over a week ago now, so I’m unforgivably late for my review!

Look, this one’s easy. It’s a Pixar film. They can do no wrong. And let me tell you why, it’s not a magic formula. They don’t do things the way the rest of Hollywood does. They work long and hard on an film until it’s perfect. They come up with one strong, original concept and build a story around it; a story they develop to perfection before everything else. They give that story layers of meaning so you can enjoy it whatever age you are. The animation is inspired and informed by the great animators of the past. They give each film time (four years in this case) so the team can work, polish, perfect and work some more until it’s the best it can be.

All processes that on the surface seem obvious, but are ignored everyday by disorganised, uninspired people in seach of the fast buck. An attitude by no means exclusive to the film industry …
Contrast this with the boring, uninspired cash-in that Shrek 2 was (I’m not even going to bother reviewing it here) and you can see what I mean.

Put the ingredients together with a dash (excuse the pun) of pure genius and you have The Incredibles. It’s fast-paced, touching, funny, exciting, stylish, clever and beautifully made. Everything you’ve come to expect from a Pixar film.

Four and a half flabby bellies out of five.

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me …

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The day closes on my 39th birthday, and what an excellent birthday it was, largely due to my wonderful girlfriend who showered me with thoughtful gifts and attention. Books (1001 Films to See Before You Die, The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe), games (Corsairi and Babel), a DVD (Edward Scissorhands), an Edward Gorey-illustrated Dracula stage play cardboard set, a bottle of Moet, and an original 1954 bakelite ViewMaster. What taste! Now, I just have to get used to the concept of only one year of my thirties being left …

Have a good one

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To all my readers, the very happiest and healthiest of Christmases. Thanks for visiting—and I hope you continue to find my little blog of interest in the coming year.

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War of the Worlds teaser
Note writers padding out the classic HG Wells opening—no respect! (Thanks PM for this and many other links)

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Mac geek Xmas present

Databasing Geeks Rejoice!

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HH DatabasesIt started so innocently. I needed a way to record the software and hardware I’d bought for work, to keep track of serial numbers and warranties. And then—insanely—I caught the databasing bug. First my books, then CDs, then games, then DVDs, all fell like dominoes into a neatly organised set of records. In response to the jeers of friends and family I vainly tried to justify the whole exercise as being incredibly handy should the house burn down or everything I own being stolen. But the truth is—and I think I can admit it now—it just gives me a warm little feeling inside.

If you know what I’m talking about, and you happen to own a copy of Filemaker Pro version 6 or above, today’s your lucky day, because to celebrate the new look site (and as a little Xmas present) I’m giving away to my Headless Hollow readers the lovingly-crafted templates for my Hardware, Software, Book, Music, Game and DVD databases. Use them individually or download the Head control panel that gives easy access to all. Just click Freebies in the nav bar and get databasing you crazy geek you!

This Blog is a Mess!

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What? New pages with nothing in them? Different layouts? What’s happening to my beloved Headless Hollow? I know, I know. I’m going through some changes here. Sit back and enjoy the sight of a blog in transition, changing before your very eyes … All for you, my pretties, mwha ahaa …

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Lord of the Rings Monopoly Hand-made—impressive and obsessive!

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